If you're not where you want to be at by this week take it easy. The doors won't open until next week. Therefore, my first advice to you is to definitely go out of your way to try to get level 80 Within the next two weeks or so , so you'll have the chance to participate in your first lockout raid WoTLK Gold. It's going to have like four raids we're gonna have vault of Arc Yvonne.
We're gonna have Naxxramas we'll have the AI which is Malagos and we'll have obsidian Sanctum therefore, you should definitely get level at start getting your lockouts will be fun but hey, if there's a reason you'd prefer to chill, Heyman is an excellent way to get level as well because I'm taking it slow , I'm just doing quests, and I'm not spamming . If you'd prefer to take your time and slow the process , by all means Enjoy it.
The second thing you should do after you've completed level 80 heroics like crazy it's going to be thrilling to actually get those badges. And there's quite a lot of great gear that you can obtain with these badges, in addition to heirlooms, and after that, we'll start to build our reputations up depending on your classification, so when you're a healer or Argent Crusade, if you're on a tank Kieran tour.
If you're caster knights the ebon blade, and you're a physical DPS is sons-of-hoe deer everyone's got to do sons of hoe deer unless you're a writer or you went inscription for that shoulder enchant that is the best in slot the entire expansion which is why it's worth it and then of course ensure that you harvest tons and tons of gold things are expensive in the moment, like the way we talked about this in the past and also former preps like I'm the broke one I only have like 3000 gold. But things are gonna be super expensive and and you'll need a bunch of gold to buy WoTLK Classic Gold get that equipment.